Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who would you choose?

11:09 PM marcellvds: hi
 me: elo
 marcellvds: you find it?
11:10 PM me: sorry, it went back to wazzaz name and then there was altair's memory and it all just took forever
  yes, i did
  and the code took a while too. but im done
 marcellvds: its ok
 me: for no
  what you up to?
11:11 PM marcellvds: listening to music
  actually looking for new music
11:12 PM dont know where to look though
  but i know that when i get home my brother is sure to have new music in ample supply
 me: you tried 5fm and 94.7's websites
11:13 PM marcellvds: uhm....
  dont wanna waste cap downloading
  i only get the 400 meg romorrow
 me: im confused. then why are you looking for music today?
11:14 PM marcellvds: cos i just got tired of my music and that spured me to start looking for new stuffz
11:15 PM me: oh ok
11:17 PM marcellvds: thoguth there might be a new albu for zebra and giraffe
11:19 PM me: fair said its coming soon
 marcellvds: yey?
  uhm i mean
11:20 PM me: haha im very keen
 marcellvds: so is me
 me: owl city also has or will have something new, but apparently it sounds very similar, just like all his songs sound the same
 marcellvds: ollie said i cant go straight home when he picks me up
 me: why?
11:21 PM marcellvds: said he needs to leach first haha
11:22 PM me: hes got nearly two months to do that
 marcellvds: guess he doesn't wanna waste time then ;)
11:23 PM me: haha ok
11:24 PM hes just very keen to see you and doesnt wanna loose face and look all mushy and unmanly by pleading to see you again
 marcellvds: hahaha, i told hom though we're stopping by your house first
 me: you still dsid
11:25 PM marcellvds: hehe
  could not remember
11:26 PM me: i did ;)
11:27 PM marcellvds: you wont believe this, i checked today
  its still twilight at 1800
 me: what?
11:28 PM ?
11:29 PM marcellvds: there is still light outside at 6 in the afternoon
11:30 PM its like vanderbijl summer time haha
 me: wow ok
11:31 PM marcellvds: but here's the best part
11:32 PM it started geting lightish only at like 15 past 7
11:35 PM me: hmmm... it gets dark here really early
11:36 PM marcellvds: haha, josef was in a bad mood today
 me: oh dear..... why? kenny's stink?
11:37 PM marcellvds: hahaha, no, the market droped and sum phone calls i think but it was funny cos trish kept nipping at him
11:38 PM me: really?
 marcellvds: yea, was kinda funny
11:39 PM her cheek surpasses yours
  by miles
 me: well that cant be too hard seeing im not cheeky
11:40 PM marcellvds: .mmmm
11:41 PM me: how so though?
 marcellvds: not cheeky at all
11:46 PM when we were at the tasting i dont know what he said but told us he is the driver thats why he does not care to drive far for a tasting, but the guy interpreted this as him saying he is the designated driver so when we started he didn't bring josef a glass
11:47 PM me: oh dear
11:48 PM i cant see that going down too wel
 marcellvds: so what were you looking for at the liberary
11:50 PM me: books
  but didnt really get anything useful
 marcellvds: books?
11:51 PM me: yea, youd never believe it....
  they keep books in librarys
11:52 PM marcellvds: no, yhats not what i ment, books on?
11:53 PM me: for my research project. im still not exactly sure what im doing, but all they helped me with is what i dont wanna focus on
11:55 PM marcellvds: well process of elimanation works
  been working all day?
 me: not really
  --guilty face---
11:56 PM marcellvds: so then what you do?
11:57 PM me: miffed. tried to work, kept trying
12:00 AM marcellvds: so when oyu chill, you wanna work, and when you work you wanna chill
 me: yea..... kinda
12:02 AM marcellvds: what are you doing now?
 me: talking to you and getting creeped out by dexter
 marcellvds: what season you on now?
12:03 AM me: only ep 4 of season 1
  uv seen it?
12:04 AM marcellvds: yea, but i watched it when it was showing on tv so i cant even remember
  i love the intro though
 me: flip its gross
  and fascinating how they take those everyday events and make it cool
12:05 AM marcellvds: it is kinda funny
12:07 AM me: and some of it just plain gives me the creeeeeeeeeeeeeps
 marcellvds: do you like the series?
12:08 AM so far?
12:09 AM me: yea, its cool. but i dont like it as much as gossip girl or chuck
12:10 AM oh, whats with your latest fb sttus?
12:12 AM marcellvds: oh there was this thing...go check steyn's fb status...and my curiosity cud not be helped...but the wanted you to do stuff to get that i googled it and poof...17.600 results
12:15 AM me: ah i see. interesting story with that pic though
12:16 AM marcellvds: you know the story?
  going for a walk, give me 5 min
12:20 AM back
12:24 AM .....
12:26 AM me: check ur status
12:27 AM marcellvds: oh my word, so this was just sum1 trying to sell a story
12:28 AM me: no it was a photojournalist who did win the prize. we looked at this in media ethics last year
12:29 AM marcellvds: yea, but i mean the captions and stuff
 me: just a case of missinformation being sensationalised to make a bigger story
12:30 AM yep. someone thought he or she was being smart and writing a cool story. pha!
 marcellvds: so did the kid die?
12:31 AM me: no one knows. but likely not. or not then anyway.. prpbably later from starvation. but there were people around, so the vulture wouldnt have been able to get a go then
12:32 AM marcellvds: the used the kid as bait in order to get cooked vulture for supper?
 me: from a journalistic point of view, this oses an interesting question. do you help those suffering, or do you tell their story
12:33 AM hahaha
 marcellvds: so the do you help or not
12:36 AM me: its a difficult q, thats why we do media ethics. there is no right or wrong.... only grey. there are times when the legal thing is unethical, or ethical thing is illegal. its your call. remember the xenophobic attacks in 2008?
12:37 AM there was a picture publiched on the cover of the sunday times of a man being burnt alive. brilliant pic. but um..... was it right? kinda like this one:
12:39 AM marcellvds: i kinda think trying to help would have resulted in being burned as well
12:41 AM me: yea
 marcellvds: ?
 me: but still.
12:42 AM ooo! that reminda me....
 marcellvds: but then at least you got a pic of the people burning guy's face
12:44 AM me: nah, there was an email i wanted to show you, but cant find it
12:45 AM marcellvds: also sumthiong like that?
12:46 AM me: yea,... well, more like an ethics test
 marcellvds: oh i wantz...badly
12:51 AM me: ah im still looking. but cant remember what its called, and dad sends a lot of emails
 marcellvds: haha, while you are busy, this is da truie jackrussel idea
12:53 AM me: haha
12:55 AM marcellvds: i shud not be watching loldogz
 me: haha
  ah i like catz most
12:57 AM marcellvds: i know, i likez both, but i see catz too often
1:00 AM me: i dont :(
 marcellvds: found anything interesting
  i mean i see lolcatz too often
1:02 AM me: i got it!!!
  This test only has one question, but it's a very important one.
By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally.
The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which
you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer needs to be
honest, yet spontaneous.

Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line.

You are in Kwa-Zulu Natal, St. Lucia to be specific. There is
chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is
a flood of biblical proportions. You are a photo-journalist working for
a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic
disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless.

You're trying to shoot career-making photos.

There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing
into the water.

Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.

Suddenly, you see a man in the water. He is fighting for his life,
trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer...
Somehow, the man looks familiar... You suddenly realize who it is...
It's Jacob Zuma! You notice that the raging waters are about to take him
under forever. You have two options:

You can save the life of Jacob Zuma or you can shoot a dramatic
Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the death of one of the
country's most powerful men!


Here's the question, and please give an honest answer........

Would you select high contrast colour film,

or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
1:06 AM marcellvds: i'd go for high contrast film, cos i'd feel that his face wouldn't show praperly in black and white as the water would be very dark because of mud debris and the lack of proper light caused by the overhead clouds
1:07 AM ;)
 me: hahaha
1:08 AM marcellvds: think i misspelled sum word there
 me: you know i sat there for ages antagonizing, before i looked at the punch line and looked like a fool
1:09 AM marcellvds: wait, explain, how long did you wait to see the QUESTION
 me: ah like aminute
  or two or so
1:10 AM marcellvds: .....hehe, i cud just see it
1:11 AM me: you didnt even think about it did you?
1:12 AM marcellvds: i dont think i would be able to kill sum1...but not caring whether he lives or dies....
  am i a bad person?
 me: i changed the question to mugabe. then i had a hard time...
1:13 AM marcellvds: why?
1:16 AM me: when someone's killed or knowinly made many people suffer..... and youre in that kind of a position.....
 marcellvds: what was the answer with zuma?
  or malema for that matter?
1:17 AM me: in the end i decided that it is not my job to judge, but only to do what is rght by me - and that applies to anyone and everyone. cos when you kill someone, you not only killing them, but snuffing out anythibng that they couild be
  and that something could be good as well as bed
1:18 AM bad
 marcellvds: thats why i wouldn't kill, there is still a chance he might make it on his own
1:19 AM me: but it really makes you think hey?
 marcellvds: clearly you are the better person
1:20 AM me: why?
1:21 AM marcellvds: cos i am not comploetely sure, but i dont think i would have done the right thing hey
1:23 AM me: with certain people...... i dunno.... i really dont.
 marcellvds: my heart just isn't big or warm enough to include those people
1:24 AM me: if it was malema...... joh i dont know
  or mugabe or any of them
1:25 AM marcellvds: what if its a random white mass murder?
1:26 AM me: what you mean?
1:27 AM marcellvds: if it was a white guy that has killed 100 of blacks?
 me: by "them" i mean someone who really is very very bad
1:28 AM haha
1:29 AM marcellvds: i'm serious, imagine its a white dude who is leading a campaign against the blacks and is taking the country back for white people and in the process has killed many many blacks
  but he is doing this to fix the country
  but the death toll is almost a quater of the black population
1:30 AM me: well if you think about it, thats the kind of mentality in that punch line. most whites will laugh at it and then quickly move on cos the question reaied was an uncomfortable one. but the fact the writer chose to make the only options what film youre gonna use.... what does that say about him?
1:31 AM what people dont realise is that its not a rece issue in sa anymore
  its a class and culture clash
  race, not rece
1:32 AM marcellvds: thats called deflecting
1:33 AM me: he still chose the option of leaving the person in the water to his own fate
 marcellvds: no i mean if thats the guy in the water, would you help?
1:34 AM me: i dont konw....
  if it was at great risk to me.... then id be less likely to try
 marcellvds: your likelyness to do it as oppose to the other 3 blacks?
 me: but then, no..... id have to have a very good reason to just turn from someone
1:35 AM but i guess if you can walk past a starving person on the street and ignore them, you can ignor the death of a murderer
  why does the race matter?
  does it to you?
1:37 AM marcellvds: because a guy that grew up on a farm sumwhere on an island with no knowledge of any of this would dive in nomatter who it is or the risk to his life
  me, i would save the white dude
  i would save almost any1
1:38 AM i dont think i would save Zuma maleme or mugabe
 me: why do you say you would save the WHITE guy?
1:40 AM marcellvds: cos even though i would not support the means by which he does what he does, the result would be better for the remaining population
1:41 AM me: that would depend on whose perspective youre looking at things from
 marcellvds: i just gave you my prespective
 me: fair enough
1:43 AM marcellvds: you would not condone it, i know
1:44 AM me: no, i get your point of view.
1:45 AM marcellvds: so you would condone it then?
  or rather you would object but not take action
1:46 AM me: about the thing with killing ob blacks being better for the general population......
1:47 AM what about the families dependent on those killed?
 marcellvds: they are killed too
 me: children included?
1:48 AM marcellvds: bombs dont pick targets
 me: thats sick
 marcellvds: exactly
  whats the differance between a childs life and a grown-up's life?
1:50 AM me: the adult has had a life, a chance at living. its adults' responsibility to protect children
 marcellvds: a life is a life, regardless
 me: ok, anctually, ive just realised something. if this was someone who has hurt children.... in any way, they can go to hell
1:51 AM oh lol, Mika's "stuck in the middle" has just come on
 marcellvds: but by killing an adult, you take away a child provider
1:52 AM what the differance? a life is a life
 me: im not saying killing an adult is ok. its not. just hurting the defenceless is worse than those who have a fighting chance
1:53 AM marcellvds: an adult s just as incapable of dodging bullets than a child
  is just as defenceless against explosion
  is just as suseptable to poinos
1:54 AM poisons
 me: so your point is?
 marcellvds: and both adults and children have picked up guns and killed people
1:55 AM my point is a life is a life
  whether it be a child or an adult....
  adults just have had more time to learn from mistakes
1:56 AM while a child still has to make them
  either way the mistakes will be made
  or have been made
1:57 AM a soul is a soul, it has no age
2:00 AM me: still..... children are different.
  their slates are still clean
  untill the world twists them
 marcellvds: the will be dirtied if ti was their destiny to be dirty
2:01 AM so you are saying the act of killing milloins of children parent wont twist them
2:02 AM me: their is no such thing as destiny. only chance, circumstance, opportunity and choice
  im not
  it probably will... it will
  but like i said, no one has the right to make that decision for them
2:03 AM even the most cruel person can be turned around and do far more good than they did bad
2:04 AM marcellvds: by having to live through that it almost garuntees that a huge percentage will be twisted in hatefull
  shudnt that rule apply to adults as well

7 minutes
2:11 AM me: you know, this started cos i was trying to make you see that you cant just say that killing a whole load of the black population would be a good thing for whites. its not that simple. cos it goes further than those who were wiped out: it has a ripple effect on other lives. you cant be so narrow minded to say that mass murder is ever ok, even if its gonna help other people out, cos then the blood of those killed is on the hands of those they were killed for, in effect. when you spoke about someone just killing off a mass of people.... i dont care WHO the targets are or why, its wrong, nothing can condone murder, in any form. the ONLY time killing can possibly be condoned is if its in self defence of some form. but murder is murder. however, if i had to choose between condeming a rapist or a pediophile, id go for the latter, cos hurting the young is worse, far worse. and dont ask why. it just is.
2:13 AM marcellvds: thats not the question
  lemme give you a scenario
2:17 AM its a flood, you are on a bout and you see two cars sinking each equally far away from you but in different the one is a renowned (white) field doctor who saves hundreds of lives in africa every month and is the only 1 that works in the part of africa he works in, and willing for that matter, you know this because his story is all over the the other is a (black) child.....
  you only have time to save 1....
2:18 AM me: dont ask me that. i dont know the answer. i really dont
  but i can tell you thig
2:19 AM race would not even feature. what would would be the young life versus all the lives the doc could potentially save
 marcellvds: fine....
the answer this,
the 1 is a black child and the other is a white child, which do you choose?
 me: i still dont know
  probably the one with the least chance of survival, maybe thered still be time to get to the other
2:20 AM or the one with the most.... cos then i know that at least one will be safe.
  i dont know
  which would you choose?
 marcellvds: time is wasting if you take too long you will lose both, both are in equal danger
2:21 AM me: how do i make you see this?
  race dies not matter in somethng like this, it just doesnt
  but what would you do?
 marcellvds: you first
 me: i told you
2:22 AM marcellvds: how do i make you see that to you it doe
  and how do you justify the choice
2:24 AM me: id go for the closest, and then try to get to the other
 marcellvds: anthea, they are both equally far away...the only differance is the 1 is white and the other is black
2:25 AM me: i DONT know
 marcellvds: you are gonna let both die
 me: whites can be pretty sick too you know
 marcellvds: i know
2:27 AM me: youd go for the white wouldnt you?
  in both cases
 marcellvds: pick 1
 me: answer me.
 marcellvds: you first
2:28 AM me: i have
2:29 AM marcellvds: no, you didn't, white kid or black kid?
  who lives and who dies?
2:30 AM me: in case you missed it
  i said i DONT know
2:32 AM marcellvds: you cant say it can you
2:33 AM me: cos i DONT know. can you give an answer? cos ur just avoiding it
2:36 AM marcellvds: i get it, i wont drill you for the answer anymore

as for my answer, i wont drill you for yours so i dont think i should give you 1
  besides you already decided what i would do long ago
2:37 AM me: so did you
 marcellvds: nope
  honestly i think you could go for either
 me: yes, or you wouldnt have said "you cant say it can you". by that you were implying i had decided but just refused to acknoledge it
2:39 AM marcellvds: yup, but that doesn't mean i know which....

lets drop it now, i dont wanna drill you for it anymore
2:41 AM me: yea. should sleep
 marcellvds: i know
  mee too
2:45 AM me: kay
 marcellvds: are you angry?
2:46 AM me: no. i just asked myself that. an no. just uncomfortable
2:47 AM marcellvds: WHY?
  sorry fot the caps
2:48 AM me: cos you think its ok to go on at me like that, but then not have an answer of your own. to go on and on when i said i dint know, cos i dont
2:49 AM marcellvds: i do have an answer, but its based on logic
 me: oh iv got to hear this
2:50 AM marcellvds: no you dont, not untill you can answser
  and i'm not being mean, i would just not want to influance your point of view
 me: you are making it a question of race. to me its not one. you might as well say its a girl and a boy of the same race. how do you choose? you cant. you just do
2:51 AM marcellvds: so then the boy or the girl?
  i did not mean that
 me: i dont know. how would you choose?
2:52 AM marcellvds: there i'd go for the girl
 me: why?
2:55 AM marcellvds: for the slight chance that the boy can be saved too, for the slight chance that he's got a stronger heart and lung, for the slight chace he runs and plays outside like boys do and being more physically active
2:56 AM me: so youd go for the black child cos the white has a better chance of being able to swim?
2:57 AM marcellvds: i didn't answer that question anthea, and stop pushing untill you are willing to answer it yourself
  inside a car it doesn't matter if you can swim
3:00 AM me: not so nice when the tables are turned
 marcellvds: again, i have an answer
  i can say it
  you cant
3:01 AM you could not answer the question you asked me
 me: only cos i dont have one
3:02 AM marcellvds: so i answered your question, if you want my answer to my own question you'll have to answer it first
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3:03 AM marcellvds: and i'd pick the girl anyway, no logic required
3:03 AM me: well then i guess ul never give me one, cos i dont have one
3:04 AM marcellvds: thats ok
3:06 AM me: you annoyed that i cant answer?
 marcellvds: no, its ok
3:08 AM me: why were u so intent on an answer?
  why were u so intent on an answer?
3:09 AM you sure? why were u so intent on an answer?
 marcellvds: because i want you to answer, not just for me, but for you too
  but i'm ok if you dont
3:11 AM me: either way, ud say something
  youd see it as bais
 marcellvds: what is bais?
3:12 AM me: sorry, mean bias.... as in the point of view being influenced in some way, not being completely objective
3:14 AM marcellvds: i dont care if you are objective, i dont care how you choose, just which and why
3:18 AM me: well i cant choose. cos i cant choose between one life and another. the choice would be on the spot. if i chose the white child, it would be cos i sympathise more with it. the black, cos it has - in my eyes - a lesser chance of survival due to having a decreased liklihood of exposure to swimming. but i know i wouldnt think all this then. id choose and id jump, and after getting the one, i would try go after the other. i dont know. i cant know.
3:19 AM marcellvds: you wouldn't choose based on logic
3:20 AM you would choose on emotion
3:21 AM me: yea, id go for the cutest one
3:22 AM marcellvds: right, lets drop it please
3:23 AM me: kay. sleep tite
 marcellvds: not uncomfurtable anymore?
3:24 AM me: i thought you said we were leaving it. so drop it
 marcellvds: was just asking if you arn't angry with me anymore
3:25 AM me: i said i wasnt
 marcellvds: so can i phone to say goodnyt?
3:30 AM me: i dont think so. ill talk to you tomorrow
 marcellvds: ....ouch
3:33 AM me: funny how its ok for you to just say bye when you wanna go...
  and im tired, and im not lus for anything more now,
 marcellvds: i get it, bye
 me: and i really dont wanna put ona smile
  at this hour of the morning
3:34 AM marcellvds: thank you
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3:36 AM marcellvds: uhm, still here
3:38 AM see
3:41 AM oh wait, you cant cos you left

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Wow, that was horrible.

I came from the honours directing morning class and called you to wake you so that you'd actually wake at a decent time to study so that you can do well, not just pass.

remember last year when you were so confident, saying you'd probably be able to get a bursary. Now, you say you might not even pass. Not cos it's too hard, but cos you won't apply yourself.
All you do is make excuses. Last year is was cos you were so sick of where you were. This year, its cos of something else. Will there always be an excuse?

I called you, and you sounded just soo adorable.I just had to hear more. So I hurried home and called you.
At first you were ok.

And then.....
I can't. I can't.

You don't sound down, you sound downright uninterested and bored.
And I don't know how to deal with it.

And I sure as hell am not going to say 'I love you' because you expect it, especially when you say it like it's a habit.

Here. No one knows where.


There were places I used to go when I wanted to spill...
But one has been compromised and lost,
One is...too... open,
The other, too closed.

Pity. The first was perfect, but just as I discovered that you knew about it, I lost access to it.
Ah well.
Some things cannot be undone.

Others, on the other hand, can be.

Again, I find myself drifting on a seamless sea. Lost.
You feel so distant; I have no idea how to reach you. The worst is I feel you trying to reach back through the mists, but all you grasp is empty air as I withdraw into myself.

Is it really possible?
Might we die?