Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Wow, that was horrible.

I came from the honours directing morning class and called you to wake you so that you'd actually wake at a decent time to study so that you can do well, not just pass.

remember last year when you were so confident, saying you'd probably be able to get a bursary. Now, you say you might not even pass. Not cos it's too hard, but cos you won't apply yourself.
All you do is make excuses. Last year is was cos you were so sick of where you were. This year, its cos of something else. Will there always be an excuse?

I called you, and you sounded just soo adorable.I just had to hear more. So I hurried home and called you.
At first you were ok.

And then.....
I can't. I can't.

You don't sound down, you sound downright uninterested and bored.
And I don't know how to deal with it.

And I sure as hell am not going to say 'I love you' because you expect it, especially when you say it like it's a habit.